Radoykay Minaya – Same-Sex Divorce and Separation: What are my Rights?

Attorney Radoyka J. Minaya received her undergraduate degree from Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. and thereafter received her law degree from Nova Southeastern University in Florida. Ms. Minaya began her legal career as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Florida and is now the founder of the Minaya Law Offices, PLLC. Her law practice centers almost exclusively in the area of family law, with a focus on LGBTQ-specific legal issues. The legal intricacies and complications in Florida surrounding same-sex unions, parenting, separation, and divorce can be overwhelming.

Couples Corner LGBT Roe MinayaAs not only an attorney, but a member of the LGBTQ community, and co-parent to two beautiful children, Ms. Minaya is not only professionally invested in ensuring that her LGBTQ clients have a clear and complete understanding of their legal rights and options, but also has a personal stake in these matters.

Ms. Minaya is also fluent in Spanish; a member of such organizations as legal Aid of Broward County and GLLN; and an avid foodie. She prides herself on dealing personally and warmly with each of her clients, and ensuring each is treated with individualized care and respect. She considers it a true privilege to be able to assist families in navigating their interpersonal relationships.

Read more about LGBTQ Parental Rights and Roe’s advice for couples considering divorce here and watch the episode below.