Eva Brown – Pros and Cons of Pornography for Couples

As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and owner of Couples Seeking Solutions L.L.C., Eva Brown M.S. works collaboratively with couples to enhance communication, emotional attunement, and increase overall connection. She is known as an intimacy specialist, as a large part of her practice is dedicated to helping couples enhance their love lives. No matter the issue, she will find solutions that align with each couples therapeutic goals.

The Couples Corner Eva BrownEven in the case of a devastating betrayal, where the trust in the relationship seems irreparable, she will reassure and guide you towards healing and repair. Her approach is research informed, genuine, and collaborative. Please call Eva Brown M.S. anytime for a free 10 minute consult over the phone. To view a full list of her services, as she also works with individuals, please visit www.CouplesSeekingSolutions.com. #754-245-1424, Located at: 2425 East Commercial Blvd. Suite 400, Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 33308.